Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Jem's Journal

The trial is over. It only took a day, but it feels like we were in there 100 years. Those pigs-the ones calling themselves a jury- convicted Ol’ Tom.
There wasn’t even any evidence of it! Nothing. At all. Squat.

Whatever happened to the people of Maycomb. I used to think they were the best people in the World, now I see my childhood heroes as merely a pack of racists and bigots. I’m so angry, hurt and shocked. It was dear that old piece of trash Ewell beat up his daughter, not nice Ol’ Tom, and I know everyone could see it too! But that damn jury of cowards, or trash like Atticus said, chose somebody like Bob, who doesn’t even take baths, to Robinson. If anyone were less that human, it’d be the Ewells.

Its like that caste system I told Scout about earlier, she said some childish Ol’ thing about everyone being one kind of folk, but alter today’s trail, I know that cant be true. If were all equal, one folk how come we cant get along? Or be fair? Scout is so childish nowadays. I can never relieve in equality again, not now that I see the unfairness the Negroes are treated with. Tom was more than the equal of Mayella and Bob, and look how he is now! Guilty of a rape he didn’t commit, and in prison.

I feel like becoming the next Boo Radley, shutting myself inside, so as not to have to face the cruelty and injustice of the World, the harsh reality. I’m amazed the Negroes give us gifts, considering how almost all whites treat them. 

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